This page covers only a limited selection of GET api calls. Please refer to the apiary documentation for a detailed description of the api.

Read Only API

Access Key

Why is there a key at all?

You need to set a read only key to access data via GET calls. This can be done in the user profile. With a read only key, the same data is exposed as a user can read within the backend. That’s why it is useful to have a read only key, even though it might be published. For example, you can add a specific api user who has only a limited range of readable chapters and issues.

Sending the key is done via a bearer authentification header or a access_token query string. Sending a header is probably a better solution since the query string won’t be too cluttered and the api key probably does not show up in the server log.

GET /api/contributions/1/1?access_token=[key]

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [key]" http://localhost:8080/api/contributions/1/1

It is always a good idea to serve the api on a ssl secured webserver.

Current API Routes

Loading a collection of contributions

GET /api/contributions/:issueid|:issueid-:issueid.../:chapterid|:chapterid-:chapterid...?[options]


- query=string                                                (default: empty)
- filter=[id|date|sort|templateid[s]]:[lt[e]|gt[e]|eq|like]   (default: [omitted]:like)
- sort=[[id|date|name|sort]|chapter|issue|templateid[s]]:[asc|desc]           (default: sort:asc)
- limit=int                                                   (default: empty)
- offset=int                                                  (default: empty)
- data=[Fieldname|Fieldname|XX]                               (default: empty)
- populate=true|false                                         (default: false)
- verbose=true|false                                          (default: false)
- template=id                                                 (default: empty)
- status=draft|published|both                                 (default: published)


GET /api/contributions/1/14-5?query=New+York

Searches for all contributions within issue 1 and chapters 14 and 5 for the String “New York”.

GET /api/contributions/1/14-5?query=New+York&filter=1|6:eq

Searches for all contributions within issue 1 and chapters 14 and 5 for the exact String “New York” within both fields with the template id 1 and 6.

GET /api/contributions/1/14-5?query=12&filter=sort:gtlimit=1

Searches for all contributions within issue 1 and chapters 14 and 5 with a sort value > 12 and a limitation to 1 item. This represents the next contribution in a manually sorted list, since the list is has a default sort order by ‘sort, asc’.

GET /api/contributions/1/14-5?query=12&filter=sort:lt&sort=sort:desc&limit=1

Searches for all contributions within issue 1 and chapters 14 and 5 with a sort value < 12 and a limitation to 1 item, order descending. This represents the previous contribution in a manually sorted list.

GET /api/contributions/12/19?limit=10&amp;offset=20

Returns 10 contributions of issue 12 and chapter 19 starting after contribution 20.

GET /api/contributions/5-6-7/1-2-3?sort=date:desc&amp;data=Title|Subtitle

Returns all contributions of issue 5, 6 and 7 and chapter 1, 2 and 3 ordered by date, descending. Additionally, populates each contribution entry with the content of the fields Title and Subtitle.

GET /api/contributions/1/1?populate=true&amp;verbose=true

Returns all contributions of chapter 1 and issue 1. Adds all fields to each contribution and additionally prints a lot of information to each field and contribution.

GET /api/contributions/1/1?template=12

Returns all contributions of chapter 1 and issue 1 based on the template 12

Loading a single contribution

GET /api/contribution/:id?[options]


- verbose=true|false                   (default: false)


GET /api/contributions/12?verbose=true

Loads all available data from contribution with the id 12

Structural Queries

GET /api/books|issues|chapters/[:id]?[options]


- data=[Fieldname|Fieldname|XX]        (default: empty)
- populate=true|false                  (default: false)
- verbose=true|false                   (default: false)


GET /api/books

Shows all books available for the current api key

GET /api/chapters/3

Shows all information about chapter 3

GET /api/issue/2?verbose=true&amp;populate=true

Shows all information about issue 2. Additionally, raises the verbosity level and populates all data fields if a issue has backreferences to contributions.

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